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Summer activities in a fun, inspiring, and nurturing  environment for children 6-14 years old.

​Summer STEAM Week 3: June 25th-29th - Everyone's a Character

Morning Program Runs: 9:00-1:30 M-F   

Afternoon Play Program: 1:30-3:30 M-F (must be enrolled in morning program)

Weekly cost for morning program 9-1:30: $185

Weekly cost for afternoon play program 1:30-3:30: $50 for M-F or $15 per day.

Special discount pricing for siblings and multiple week enrollment. Contact us for more information.


Specific Activities:

LEGO: Grade school students will build and design robot machines with LEGO Motorized Mechanisms.

Middle school students will build and program LEGO EV3 robots to move and solve problems.


Gardening: What's in soil? Chemical soil testing. 
Methods of composting including worm composting.

Plant seedling in mini garden to take home.


Environment: Bird watching and identification.
Make and paint your own wooden birdhouses to take home.  


Food: Who says you're not suppose to play with your food? Not us!


Graphic Design: Create moving characters with computer design and animation software..


Art: Create cartoon strips in multiple styles like comic and anime. Sculpt, glaze, and fire character creations. 


Drama: Students will play fun improve games and put on a short, funny skit.


Parent/Guardian Reminders:

  • Morning and afternoon snacks are provided,, gluten and dairy free options will be available, but Please pack your child a lunch each day.

  • We strive to maintain Low Ratios which means lots of attention for each participant!

  • Children will have opportunities to work together in small and larger groups. For certain activities like LEGO builds, children will be grouped by grade/ability/interest level.

  • All professional Summer STEAM leaders are experienced in childcare and child education, and all have gone through DOJ and FBI background checks.

  • Our diverse group of leaders have a wide variety of professional specializations that they are excited to share. They include multiple fields of science including biology, chemistry, physics, nutrition, environmental studies, and computer sciences. Multiple visual and performing arts areas are also represented within our staff like drama, cartooning, anime, ceramics, drafting, graphic design, painting, dance, music, and much more! All leaders have many applied skills like woodworking, craftsmanship, metalworking, cooking, and engineering, just to mention a few. 

Other Summer STEAM Weeks:


Week 1: Builder's Paradise

This week will focus on building projects with LEGOs, woodworking, fort creation, compost making, and, best of all, friendship building! Gardening, art projects, computer design, and games will be mixed in throughout each week.


Week 2: Growing Fields

This week we will plant and transplant veggies, make delicious, fun snacks, solve problems with LEGO robots, grow muscles with outdoor games, and identify many more growing plants and creatures during nature walks. Even our art projects will have plant themes.

Forest path

Summer STEAM Camp


Jun 11th-29th | Full STEAM Ahead Education

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